Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Shack

I mentioned to Donna and Karen that I read The Shack on my plane trip to California for the ALA (American Library Association) Convention in June. When I picked up The Shack at the airport bookstore I did so because I wondered why hundreds of copies of this book were being merchandized. I read the back cover of the book and realized this was a “God” book and wondered why this book was so popular among people of all ages and faiths. I guess because I spend most of my life in the world of Middle School I had not heard about this book before seeing it in the bookstore. Later, after reading the book, I came to discover The Shack was in its fourth reprint and was on the NY Times’ Best Seller List.

If you choose to search the Internet for reviews of The Shack you will be amazed by the amount of time and energy people have spent writing about this book. Although I do not think The Shack is the best book I ever read, the book did make me think and rethink about life, its challenges, joys, and deep sorrows. I will say I liked the way the author, William P. Young, gently pulled me into the book. As I read the first few pages, I was a bit confused and not yet interested. But the agonizing thought of losing a child to a murderer kept me wondering with trepidation. Mackenzie (Mack) Phillips loses one of his children to a murderer while on a weekend trip with his children. Perhaps because I have children or perhaps because I love them, my heart hurt while reading the story of the disappearance, search, and subsequent outcome of the terrible day of tragedy.

God has summoned Mack to “the shack” where his beautiful child was killed. I found it interesting the way the author developed the story, and I must admit there were times when I thought the story was going to take a completely different turn. Mack does go to “the shack” and God is there waiting for him. This part of the story leaves the reader with thoughts to ponder for centuries, and I thoroughly enjoyed the perspectives presented. If one is searching for answers in life, whether a Christian life or not, there are answers that may help along the road of life. I would recommend The Shack to those examining their lives, whether they are a Christian or a non-Christian. Reflection is good for the soul and The Shack gives much to ponder.